Question 4
How did you use the media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?
Right from the start of the year when we found out about what our project was for our A2 coursework we have used many different media technologies to prepare ourselves for it as well as when we were constructing the coursework. The very first thing that we did was to design our header for our media blog. This was done using the program photoshop. This program wasn't new to us because we used it for our year 12 coursework so we just had to remind ourselves of how to use the program. The program photoshop became very important throughout the whole project as it was needed to edit photos that we wanted to use for our Digipack and pictures for our website.
The big help definitely came in the construction stages of our work.Without the aid of tools like Final Cut being able to edit down our video, it would be very difficult to piece together seperate pieces of footage and be extremely time consuming on the day of filming, and thusly by using programmes like Final Cut it made the process significantly easier.At the end of year 12 Mrs Mcluckie gaves us time to practice making a video and editing it , this was a big help to me but i still struggled.Luckily Alex was a quick learner on using final cut , so he was the main person in the group editing the video ,with Sarah and I giving him ideas on the construction of the video.The editing of the video was the longest process because while editing the video the group as a whole was still learning for example we learnt towards the end how to do colour correction to make the video look more professional.

Another technology we used throughout the project was the Internet using firefox. This was a major part of our planning stage as we had to research things such as, costumes and ideas for our video, settings for our video, also different fonts we could use for our Digipack and Website.Below is a link to the website Dafont which became very helpful to me and my group throughout the project. This gave us a variety and choice when it came to Designing our ancillary tasks.

To help us in the research for target audience Uk Tribes was used.This website gives you information on trends, behavior and general likes/dislikes of different groups of people.UK Tribes was born in 2005, when Channel 4 commissioned crowd DNA (then called Ramp Industry) to run a project called TV Glue, which looked to measure how TV could remain a unifying force in the midst of media fragmentation.

For our research the internet sites like youtube and vimeo helped us to analyze music videos and see what conventions music videos have.

The camera we used to film the music video was a Sony DCR-HC62 .This camera was ideal for us to use because it was easy to move round the stage and because we was making a performance video it easy to hold since we wanted natural camera movement for the video.The picture quality could of been better but this is due to the camera being out dated , the negatives in technology is it is always updating .
The last bit of important equipment was the Mac computers in the classroom.As a student i realized i was lucky to use these computer for course work because they are the best media based computers.Final cut can only be used on a mac based platform meaning, if these computers were not in our possession we could end up having to use a cheaper less quality software to produce our coursework.
How did you use the media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?
Right from the start of the year when we found out about what our project was for our A2 coursework we have used many different media technologies to prepare ourselves for it as well as when we were constructing the coursework. The very first thing that we did was to design our header for our media blog. This was done using the program photoshop. This program wasn't new to us because we used it for our year 12 coursework so we just had to remind ourselves of how to use the program. The program photoshop became very important throughout the whole project as it was needed to edit photos that we wanted to use for our Digipack and pictures for our website.
The big help definitely came in the construction stages of our work.Without the aid of tools like Final Cut being able to edit down our video, it would be very difficult to piece together seperate pieces of footage and be extremely time consuming on the day of filming, and thusly by using programmes like Final Cut it made the process significantly easier.At the end of year 12 Mrs Mcluckie gaves us time to practice making a video and editing it , this was a big help to me but i still struggled.Luckily Alex was a quick learner on using final cut , so he was the main person in the group editing the video ,with Sarah and I giving him ideas on the construction of the video.The editing of the video was the longest process because while editing the video the group as a whole was still learning for example we learnt towards the end how to do colour correction to make the video look more professional.

To help us in the research for target audience Uk Tribes was used.This website gives you information on trends, behavior and general likes/dislikes of different groups of people.UK Tribes was born in 2005, when Channel 4 commissioned crowd DNA (then called Ramp Industry) to run a project called TV Glue, which looked to measure how TV could remain a unifying force in the midst of media fragmentation.

For our research the internet sites like youtube and vimeo helped us to analyze music videos and see what conventions music videos have.

The camera we used to film the music video was a Sony DCR-HC62 .This camera was ideal for us to use because it was easy to move round the stage and because we was making a performance video it easy to hold since we wanted natural camera movement for the video.The picture quality could of been better but this is due to the camera being out dated , the negatives in technology is it is always updating .

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